Tulla – Learning Program:
Youth skills development through New Media
Aplication deadline:
21 September 2022 – 28 September 2022
Free by application
Intensive course on
Intermedia Performance
Tulla – Culture Center for a duration of one week will become a residence and workshop for Intermedia Performance production. This program is aimed at students, performers and young professionals operating in theater, performance, visual art, light, stage and sound design.
Participants will have an opportunity to create a common performance with different elements of different fields of art.
Workshop will be held at Tulla – Culture Center, where participants learn how to create a performance with body, space and different sound and light effects.
The program is designed as a set of short courses, lectures, workshops and lab-work.
Lectures are held at the spaces of Tulla – Culture Center, where participants learn the principles and new media currents.
Participants will have access on the TullanoiseLab space and resources.
We welcome students, performers and young professionals operating in graphic design, new media, theater, performance, visual art, light, stage and sound design..
We will invite successful candidates to participate in 5 days intensive program which will take place at Tulla – Culture Center, in Tirana.
Deadline for sending applications:
28 September 2022
Announcement of the results:
1 October 2022
For more details feel free to contact us at: